Pachydermie vorticillée plicaturée

Pachydermie vorticillée plicaturée 295 cutis verticis gyrata exceptionnellement para néoplasique, il est généralement post-inflammatoire et déterminé génétiquement. Cutis verticis gyrata (CVG) is a rare skin condition characterized by ridges and furrows resembling the surface of the brain. It is usually located on the scalp, but other locations have also been reported, such as the neck, legs, buttocks, scrotum, or back [1, 2]. Cutis verticis gyrata can be considered a manifestation of a variety of causes rather than an individual disease. Accordingly, CVG is classified into primary and secondary. Primary CVG may be divided into essential CVG, if no other abnormalities are identified, and non-essential CVG, which can be associated with mental deficiency, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, seizures, or ophthalmological disorders [3]. The secondary form of CVG is caused by an underlying condition, such as amyloidosis, syphilis, acromegaly [4], myxedema, pachydermoperiostosis [5], neurofibroma, giant congenital melanocytic nevus (GCMN) [2], or cerebriform intradermal nevus (CIN) . dermatology online journal, Volume 16 Number 12, December 2010

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